Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Printing me Allover.

How DO they DO it? Go out on the street and you will see them, allover prints. They are becoming increasingly popular especially at my college.
Allover print
Most print shops can print around 11"x11", so how do these huge print show up?
I initially thought they used small prints and tiled them together overlapping unill they finished the entire shirt, then i realized, maybe they print onto the fabric _before_ they stitch it into a t-shirt.

Alas, i was, for the most part, wrong, some print shops are using 'belt printers.'
These printers are awfully ex$pensive, and the industry minimum order is something like 144 t-shirts.

This site is trying to do what i said above, creating an illusion of an allover T by printing tiles all over the shirt, this has some postive effects, like you dont have a minimum, its much cheaper, and spot paint is Much higher quality than ink.

I wonder if red Bubble could ever have a allover option for tiles or Huge prints.

One can always dream.

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